Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Carol

I received an email with the following youtube Christmas Carol done with all animals. It is so cute.

For those of us who love our fur babies, I think you will enjoy this as much as I did.


  1. It says you have to be a member of AOL to view it.

    I hope your holidays are lots of fun!

  2. Sorry Bev but thanks for letting me know! I guess because I have aol it would let me view it. I've changed the link to youtube. I hope you can see it now. It is soo dang cute!

  3. Cute video. :-) Thank you for leaving your nice comment on my blog, I appreciate it. :-)

  4. It worked for me.

    If you want, look under the video where it says SHARE . . . copy the part in EMBED.

    Then, in your post, click the tab for HTML . . paste the embeded code there, go back to the normal screen and you should see the video in your post.

  5. That is so dang's cracking me up! Thanks for the laugh. :)

    Wishing you a wonderful day and hugs to Leo, too. :)

  6. I was surprised when it wasn't the barking dogs or mewing cats doing a poor version of Jingle Bells.

    He did a lot of work.

  7. This is so cute. Love it. You ok? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Did you and Leo have a nice Christmas?

    Cindy Bee


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